Wikipedia Page is Alive
The only error I see, is in addition to being the first African American on Antarctica, he was the first person of black African descent in the world, to set foot there. This information was verified by Robert Headland, in an email to Ted Scambos, in October 2009.
Gibbs Made History Today
Joyce Gibbs (George's wife) and Leilani Henry (daughter)
A few months ago, I found another document that speaks of today's historical event. One of his ship mates wrote on January 14, 1940, George W. Gibbs, Jr. was the first Negro in Antarctica. It's exciting to find more evidence of personal connections aboard the USS Bear.
Today is the 75th anniversary!
The Prime Meridian in Antarctica is less than 500 miles/900 kilometers east from where the crew of the USS Bear docked for the first time, on the Ross Ice Shelf.
A few weeks ago, my mother and I stood on the Prime Meridian in Greenwich Park, London.
How cool is that? Thanks to our hosts Vicky Thomas and David Hall.
75 Years Ago-The U.S.S. Bear Set Sail
-courtesy of Leilani Henry files. Picture on USS Bear, near Antarctic circle January 1940.
There are many remembrances for this day. It's 50 years since the assassination of JFK.
I celebrate Hannah Claire, who turns 20.
The biggest day of my father's life happened on this day. He set sail for Antarctica and magnetic South Pole. His diary says on Nov. 22, 1939, "75 huskies howling day and night". Later on the trip, his autograph book is signed by Admiral Byrd.
To George W. Gibbs, Jr,
"Best wishes to one who has done so much to make our cruise more comfortable and pleasant"
- RE Byrd
Matthew Henson Polar Explorer's Birthday
Colleen O'Connor Wins CABJ Award for Frozen in Time!
George Gibbs Entry into American National Biography Online
Here's the link. Happy 2013 MLK Holiday weekend.
Wikipedia for George W. Gibbs, Jr.
I'd love to thank the person who initiated the page for Gibbs on Wikipedia. She lives in Rochester, MN and said in a public forum that such an important historical figure needs to be in Wikipedia.
If anyone knows how to make sure this an approved page in Wikipedia, please let me know. The last time I checked, they had taken it down, saying the information couldn't be validated. It appears to be up now. Thanks to the community for making this happen!
Historic Elections
As it turns, George Washington Gibbs, Jr passes away peacefully in his sleep that night. He was surrounded by friends of all ages. He died happy, thinking Al Gore won. We've been through a lot George, since 2000. Happy Birthday. Congrats to President Barack Obama
and this historic election.
I look forward to new levels of bipartisan cooperation in all levels of politics. Forward!
Denver Post Front Page Article Link
I'm on the Front Page of the Denver Post Today!
My Travel to Chile
April 23(1940) At Valparaiso Chile. Was up this morning early to get the ship in shape for visitors and do my daily routine. This morning at eleven we were anchored off from the dock about two hundred feet and I went ashore in a taxi. Bought a watch and went to Vina Del Mar, which is eight miles from Valparaiso. Went sight seeing and had dinner at the Hotel Higgins where the Admiral is staying. In the U.S. it would have been impossible for me to be as welcomed (as I felt there).