75 Years Ago-The U.S.S. Bear Set Sail

-courtesy of Leilani Henry files. Picture on USS Bear, near Antarctic circle January 1940.

-courtesy of Leilani Henry files. Picture on USS Bear, near Antarctic circle January 1940.

There are many remembrances for this day. It's 50 years since the assassination of JFK.
I celebrate Hannah Claire, who turns 20.

The biggest day of my father's life happened on this day. He set sail for Antarctica and magnetic South Pole. His diary says on Nov. 22, 1939, "75 huskies howling day and night". Later on the trip, his autograph book is signed by Admiral Byrd.

To George W. Gibbs, Jr,

"Best wishes to one who has done so much to make our cruise more comfortable and pleasant"

- RE Byrd


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