beandlive beandlive

J.S. Bach in Antarctica

There are numerous random finds about Antarctica on the internet.  Enjoy the edu-tainment.
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beandlive beandlive

Well Said- "Why Do We Keep Pushing the Snooze Button on Climate Change?"

This article points out that climate change isn't about the numbers. It's about how we view nature and the priorities of our current life problems.  I maintain that if we think of ourselves as interconnected and responsible for how we shape our future,  we may have more success.

 "Why Do We Keep Pushing the Snooze Button on Climate Change?"  Provocative Climate Change Article with references.
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beandlive beandlive

Whales and Dolphins on My MInd this Week

War of the Whales is an outstanding account of the war between the environment and the military.
I highly recommend this book, if you want to know how activists are fighting to keep whales alive.  Careful, it's very graphic, just like war.

On a lighter note, I've seen my friends make bubble rings in the ocean. I've never seen whales and dolphins do it.  Such grace.

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beandlive beandlive

...Into a Pride of Lions By Salvatore Cardoni

Climate change in Africa probably connects to Antarctica. Lions could be extinct in the wild by 2024 to 2044.  Since late 11/2013, over 2 million people have seen this video.  See brilliant images taken by wildlife photographer, Chris McLennan. He unleashes his toy car camera in Botswana.
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beandlive beandlive

Antarctic Ice Sheet-Point of No Return?

Have you heard?  NASA reports in a study of West Antarctic Ice Sheet that the melting trend is irreversible.

At the start of my video on this blog, I say  "Antarctica's melting".  At the time, I felt the words were strong.  Now I understand we are at a point of no return.  

So, what are the questions?  Who cares if this is 200-500 years out?  What does this mean for the next 100 years?  What thought patterns can we hold that could make this a positive adventure?  What's possible to learn from the knowledge and history the ice holds?  What part could human consciousness play in this unfolding research?  

Even though my focus on Antarctica is more than a hobby, I feel both sadness and curiosity of this current news.  Let's continue to stay aware of ourselves, each other and our collective strength for positive outcomes.

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beandlive beandlive

Wolf as Teacher!

Have you seen how wolves change rivers?  
This shows the interconnection of all things.  What if you, as a human, could have this kind of impact?  Maybe you already do.
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beandlive beandlive


I've certainly been reminded of cold this week, stuck in the east coast storm, trekking around NYC and Brooklyn.  Happy Birthday to Ernest Shackleton too!  

 tweets today--
"You do not need to be normal. You do not need to be mainstream…"

I sometimes forget this. Enjoy your day.
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beandlive beandlive

Global Warming Controversy

Since the recent rescue of the ships in Antarctica, climate change conversations include the sea ice around Antarctica.  Pundits have made clear their continued skepticism of the concept that the planet is warming.  Here are four myths debunking the notion that no significant warming is occuring. From The Weather Channel : Polar Vortex and Climate Change
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beandlive beandlive

The Perceived Value of the Poles

Christian Science Monitor published a thorough article on the Poles, 1/12/14.  My hope is that by 2048, when the mineral and mining policies expire, the demand for natural resources will have changed.  China and other countries are ready to pounce on the mineral rich areas of Antarctica.
What solutions might emerge to balance our need to mine, with a balance of protection for all life on the planet?

Current reality at the Poles--great summary slide show.

AND today, George W. Gibbs, Jr, made history by landing on Antarctica in 1940. He was the first man off the ship and became the first person of African descent, in the world, to land on the continent.
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beandlive beandlive

Electric-blue clouds appear over Antarctica, Earlier Than Normal

Scientists watch Noctilucent clouds (earth's highest) that return to Antarctica Nov. - Feb. The clouds are over the Arctic during the northern hemisphere summer.  Because the clouds returned early, they think it may be a sign of climate change.   When I was in Antarctica in February 2012,  I saw only thick, white cloud cover.

Image comment: NASA AIM satellite image of Antarctica
Image credits: LASP / University of Colorado
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beandlive beandlive

Antarctic World News 2013 End of Year

My guess is Antarctica and the Arctic will be in the news more often in 2014.
Cracking Ice Raises Hope for Russian Ship Stuck in Antarctica Since December 24th.

Nice visuals here--

100-Year-Old Box of Negatives Discovered by Conservators in Antarctica

HAPPY 2014!  As much as possible, I'm hibernating this winter to work on my Antarctica project.  Till soon. Best Regards!
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beandlive beandlive

IceHotel from The Strangest Hotels on Earth

I'm reminded of the ice structures my father built for Little America III.  There's very little info out there on what they did.  This is picture the IceHotel in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden.-- from

I'd love to stay here and the Manta Hotel's Underwater Room, on Pemba Island, Zanzibar. 

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