Antarctica Clothing (always a curiosity!)
Full Solar Eclipse and New Moon Today!
Here's a post with a beautiful pic.
Magnificent To Behold
From 8000 feet, above the 7000-foot cloud deck, the corona plus the diamond rings were impressive. All too quick but magnificent to behold.
--Dr. Jay M. Pasachoff, director, Hopkins Observatory, Williams College
Wikipedia for George W. Gibbs, Jr.
I'd love to thank the person who initiated the page for Gibbs on Wikipedia. She lives in Rochester, MN and said in a public forum that such an important historical figure needs to be in Wikipedia.
If anyone knows how to make sure this an approved page in Wikipedia, please let me know. The last time I checked, they had taken it down, saying the information couldn't be validated. It appears to be up now. Thanks to the community for making this happen!
Historic Elections
As it turns, George Washington Gibbs, Jr passes away peacefully in his sleep that night. He was surrounded by friends of all ages. He died happy, thinking Al Gore won. We've been through a lot George, since 2000. Happy Birthday. Congrats to President Barack Obama
and this historic election.
I look forward to new levels of bipartisan cooperation in all levels of politics. Forward!
Link Between Life and Water
It's also exciting that the title of the article is Probe of Antarctica's hidden lakes may yield clues to extraterrestrial life. The scientists will be consulting sci-fi writers to imagine different scenarios.
To me, Antarctica is still one of the most intriguing places on earth. Even though I've taken long breaks from this blog, I look for clues daily that will help my father's story comes to life.
Thanks for your interest!
Ecosytem Changes in Antarctica
Article in the Mountain Connection Today
I love their tagline "Building Community Through Conversation"
If you are reading my blog for the first time, the beginning posts of Antarctica are during last half of February. When I started blogging, I wasn't working very much. Now, I'm consistently traveling for other work. I find it challenging to research and blog.
My next radio show on KGNU Denver Boulder 8:30am MDT
(, 1390am and 88.5 FM) is on August 31st with Polar Historian Glenn Marty Stein. I hope you're having a great summer in the northern hemisphere!
24th Polar Libraries Colloquy
past, present and future of our polar regions! I did the closing keynote last week for 24th Polar Libraries Colloquy. They bring together librarians, archivists, researchers and others interested in the cold regions of our planet.
I'm making plans for the next conference in Cambridge UK, 2014.
John Stewart, author of Antarctica; An Encyclopedia
Great show. John's wonderful storyteller.
Antarctica is Important for Many Things.
I found this link -Meteorites found in Antarctica and Australia make scientists believe that the building blocks of DNA exist in space. My conclusion: Antarctica is important for many things!
No More Dogs in Antarctica
According to USA Today, "This action was taken because of evidence that the canine disease distemper was spreading to Antarctica’s seals." There may be other reasons not stated, but expeditions with dogs are a thing of the past. George W Gibbs, Jr., spoke fondly of the dogs and the dog drivers on his trip. They were essential to pull gear and help f ind crevasses for the ice party. We chose the picture ( at the top of this blog) of my father with dogs for this reason.
Travel the World for Free
Here's a man who went to Antarctica from Europe for free and barter.
30,000 tourists go to the continent per year. 10K from Germany, 10K from USA and 10K from UK. According to the Frozen Planet series, it's the holy grail for those of Anglo heritage. That makes George W Gibbs Jr. story, as a person of African heritage, even more unique.
One of the last Survivors from the USAS Expedition
Here are some articles about his story. Tony remembers my father as a very nice man, who served the crew well from the galley.
Snow Crusier
I'm posting again -George W Gibbs Jr standing in front of the infamous Snow Crusier, at Litlle America III, 1940. Dr. Thomas Poultier was the designer. His grandchildren contacted me after seeing the Denver Post article.
A Post from Another Expedition Antarctica: Penguins, Finally!
Christine Dell'Amore of National Geographic News wrote a great post on 1/15/11.Expedition Antarctica: Penguins, Finally!
It's a different experience when you do to McMurdo ( more the interior of Antarctica). It's possible to go all the way there and not see penguins if you don't go to the coast. This is a great post. My father stayed close to the coast, so he saw much wildlife!
Weird and Wild: 5 Weirdest Antarctica species
Oh and enjoy the eclipse later today.
Cold as Ice
I found this documentary,- Cold as Ice about 3 kayakers who paddled 700 miles down the coast of the peninsula. It captures the beauty and adventure very well. It makes me think of the USS Bear and how dangerous and exciting it was to be in the area. I also laughed about their contact with seals because they walked right by them and put up their tent! Makes me understand my desire to make contact.
Antarctic Glacier Retreat
More on How Much Antarctica has Changed
More on how Antarctica has changed. Ice shelf in Antarctica has shrunk by 85% -
Images taken by a satellite show that the Larsen B ice shelf decreased from 4,373 square miles in 1995 to only 634 miles today- from Mother Nature Network
Also,this looks like a compelling film by Polar explorer Eric Larsen from Boulder, CO. He's saying similar things that I say about climate change- let's at least have the conversation about what we're learning.
When asked about his polar adventures-Why do this? He says "Because it might not be here (any more)"
Antarctica is Melting
Finally, the ocean is changing near Antartica-Researchers in Hawaii discover king crabs threaten seafloor life near Antarctica