beandlive beandlive

Antarctica was tropical?

I found this article to be very interesting!

"Researchers brave bone chilling cold to solve geologic mysteries

Geologist John Goodge looks for clues about Antarctica's past in the 2 percent of the continent that is not covered in ice!"

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beandlive beandlive

What does the ice have to say?

It's great to know many people are inspired by my bold vision: To go to Antarctica to connect the dots from the past, present and future! My imagination about what the continent looked like 70 years ago has changed through my research. It's hard to imagine how going to the bottom of the earth will change me. Less than two months ago, I had no strong feelings about seeing Antarctica. People have asked me for the last 11 years about going. The vision and desire was missing. Now, I want to go. It shows how life can unfold and surprise you! What does the ice have to say? I will find out.
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beandlive beandlive

Alacaluf Native peoples

This tribe of people was about 5,000 in the 1930's. It's now believed they are 10. Some of this tribe came aboard the USS Bear for clothing on the way back from Antarctica.
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beandlive beandlive

Here’s the latest!

We made the 501(c)(3) sponsorship happen! I am now supported by Artistic New Directions, Inc. One of their missions is to help new artists. Last year, I presented one scene from a potential one woman play of We are All Antarctica, during a New York City workshop with Artistic New Directions. They invited me then to work with them as a new artist. I plan to do this project as a song, a musical, a film, or an improv piece with the help of their assistance.

Here’s a Rochester note. Yesterday, my mother, aunt and cousin (from out of town) went to visit Gibbs Elementary.

As they tour the school, the 5th grade teacher sees them and asks if her class can sing to them. “Of course!” my mother replies. The class proceeds to sing a song with rewritten lyrics which include George Gibbs in the lyrics! This is one the reasons I am moving forward with We are All Antarctica: The Race to be Human. There are many lives already impacted by the work of my father and people need the full story with implications for the future!

If you wish to make your gift TAX DEDUCTIBLE, please make out a check to Artistic New Directions, note in the memo part that it is for We are All Antarctica, and send to Artistic New Directions, 250 West 90th Street, #15G, New York, NY 10024 to be received before Dec. 29, 2011. You can contribute with a credit card on using artnewdir (AT) aol (DOT) com as the payee. (the shorthand is to protect from spammers)

PLEASE note in the subject line: We are All Antarctica or it will not get to me in a timely manner. Happy Holidays!

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beandlive beandlive

Antarctic Sun article

This is an article posted last fall: in the Antarctic Sun written by Peter Rejcek, who was on the ice last winter. The photo of the Bear is actually the North Star, the sister ship on the expedition.
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toddhoskins toddhoskins

National Archives

I am a little closer to the historical parts of my Dad’s service with Admiral Byrd in 1939.   A few weeks ago, I researched expedition photos and found hundreds of photos that bring the story to life.  There is even another survivor of the expedition, with whom I am in touch. 
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