I felt the Coronal Mass Ejection this morning at 11am EST on my birthday! I greatly admire the work of HeartMath's Global Coherence project that links solar flares to human activity on the planet. This seems relevant to polar shifting and how no matter what happens or who caused what, we need, as a human race to pull together to solve complex global challenges.
This is the heart of We are All Antarctica:
"A major contribution each and every one of us can make is to increase emotional balance and coherence within ourselves. This will enable us as individuals to use these energy influxes to our advantage." - Annette Deyhle, Ph.D., and GCI Research Team
This is the heart of We are All Antarctica:
"A major contribution each and every one of us can make is to increase emotional balance and coherence within ourselves. This will enable us as individuals to use these energy influxes to our advantage." - Annette Deyhle, Ph.D., and GCI Research Team