What Happens Inside of Us Affects the Whole Planet
t's a challenge to summarize how I feel the day before the 2016 election. The stress of the moment, the anxiousness of the world and the extreme differences in desires, weigh heavy on my soul.
I could talk about the exciting (bear) Cubs win. Or the ship (USS Bear), a famous 68 year old wooden sailing vessel that carried men safely to Antarctica and back. Or the Arctic polar bears endangered because the sea ice is melting. What does Bear medicine have to tell us?
Be in silence, nurture your receptive side, seek and find your own answers, take action on your creative projects and tear down the illusions of this physical world.
Here's my reflection.
It's election day 1916. George Washington Gibbs, Sr. votes for his Presidential candidate, Charles Evan Hughes. Hughes is a middle of the road Republican. As governor of New York, Hughes was a champion of progressive causes. GWGibbs Sr. is disappointed that a Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, wins the election. So, on 11/7/1916, he changes his new son's name from Charles E. Hughes to George Washington Gibbs, Jr.
GWGibbs Jr., goes on to have an extraordinary life in the military, politics, corporate management, community leadership, entrepreneurship and family. At his birthday party (election day 11/7/2000),
George happily passes away thinking his candidate, Al Gore, wins the election. A political animal until death.
As I publicly acknowledge my father's 100th birthday, I wonder:
What history will we make on election day 2016?
How will our fate change?
What dreams wake, regardless of who wins?
And what is the golden thread that continues 100 years from now, in spite of our human drama?
What happens tomorrow affects the entire human race. What happens on Antarctica is the result of our actions. We are All Antarctica.
Leilani Henry at Holy Trinity Church (Russian: Церковь Святой Троицы), a small Russian Orthodox church on King George Island © Leilani Henry
George W. Gibbs Jr. aboard the USS Bear 1940 © Leilani Henry
Gibbs Made History Today
Joyce Gibbs (George's wife) and Leilani Henry (daughter)
A few months ago, I found another document that speaks of today's historical event. One of his ship mates wrote on January 14, 1940, George W. Gibbs, Jr. was the first Negro in Antarctica. It's exciting to find more evidence of personal connections aboard the USS Bear.
Today is the 75th anniversary!
The Prime Meridian in Antarctica is less than 500 miles/900 kilometers east from where the crew of the USS Bear docked for the first time, on the Ross Ice Shelf.
A few weeks ago, my mother and I stood on the Prime Meridian in Greenwich Park, London.
How cool is that? Thanks to our hosts Vicky Thomas and David Hall.
Forbes with HSBC Interview about my Antarctica Adventure
This article puts a twist on travel, and work/life balance. I hope you feel inspired by it.
Antarctic Ice Sheet-Point of No Return?
Have you heard? NASA reports in a study of West Antarctic Ice Sheet that the melting trend is irreversible. http://bbc.in/1sGMMp6
At the start of my video on this blog, I say "Antarctica's melting". At the time, I felt the words were strong. Now I understand we are at a point of no return.
So, what are the questions? Who cares if this is 200-500 years out? What does this mean for the next 100 years? What thought patterns can we hold that could make this a positive adventure? What's possible to learn from the knowledge and history the ice holds? What part could human consciousness play in this unfolding research?
Even though my focus on Antarctica is more than a hobby, I feel both sadness and curiosity of this current news. Let's continue to stay aware of ourselves, each other and our collective strength for positive outcomes.
Today-Guest Blogger for The Antarctic Book of Cooking & Cleaning
It's Easter Day 2014 and Passover Week. Thanks to Carol Devine for hosting me on her The Antarctic Book of Cooking and Cleaning blog. http://bit.ly/1mpQRv3
Paul D. Miller @djspooky tweets today--
World Climate Change Milestone
In a first in human history, "it looks like the world is going to blow through the 400-ppm level without losing a beat."
Published on Monday, April 29, 2013 by Common Dreams
Most people don’t understand climate change very well- including me
Here's a short article, from Grist ( a Beacon in the Smog)--widely Tweeted and Liked on Facebook about why we need to pay attention.
AND from TakePart.com
The provocatively-titled new film- ‘Greedy Lying Bastards’ takes on America’s anti-science movement.
AND 1 in 5 students say they understand climate science from NPR.org
Bob Inglis: the Republican who believes in climate change
Ozone Hole Low in 2012!
Susan is quoted in The Boise weekly- "I think the difficulty that some people have in relating to environmental change has something to do with the fact that an awful lot of people spend their lives not really noticing the natural world around them."
I wholeheartedly agree. My partner and I are outdoors more than ever, camping and retailing kaleidoscopes at Art Fairs. What a difference to make part of your living and working outside. Antarcticans (people who visit and love the continent have a love of the outdoors too!
Antarctica and Clues from Space
Huge meteorite found, largest in 25 years in East Antarctica
Salty Antarctic Pond May Hold Clues to Water on Mars. and speaking of water, did you know about finding water in moon rocks?
Inside a Meteorite
It's easy to spot meteorites in Antarctica. I recently learned, from CBS Sunday Morning show, about their color inside.
This is a meteorite picture through a microscope. The actual image is 2mm.
Our Henry Bergeson Kaleidoscopes remind me of the inside of meteorites.
What a beautiful and unexpected surprise to find a connection between my Antarctic work and my partner Henry's kaleidoscopes!
Celebrating My First Trip to Antarctica, 2/15/2012
Kate Upton in Antarctica
Antarctica's Future
I'm happy to say my brain is now tuned to future possibilities of our amazing continent.
See this video about the robot in design to explore Lake Vostok , The Lost World.
It may be 5 years to launch! Go about 5 minutes into the video to see the robot plans and animation.
Colleen O'Connor Wins CABJ Award for Frozen in Time!
Sea LIfe Buried in Antarctica?
More information probably coming from the Russian's ice core samples from 4,000 meters below the ice. I'm especially interested in their findings, because I stayed in Bellinghausen, the Russian Base on King George Island. Just a random, fun synchronicity :-)
George Gibbs Entry into American National Biography Online
Here's the link. Happy 2013 MLK Holiday weekend.
Full Solar Eclipse and New Moon Today!
Here's a post with a beautiful pic.
Magnificent To Behold
From 8000 feet, above the 7000-foot cloud deck, the corona plus the diamond rings were impressive. All too quick but magnificent to behold.
--Dr. Jay M. Pasachoff, director, Hopkins Observatory, Williams College
Article in the Mountain Connection Today
I love their tagline "Building Community Through Conversation"
If you are reading my blog for the first time, the beginning posts of Antarctica are during last half of February. When I started blogging, I wasn't working very much. Now, I'm consistently traveling for other work. I find it challenging to research and blog.
My next radio show on KGNU Denver Boulder 8:30am MDT
(kgnu.org, 1390am and 88.5 FM) is on August 31st with Polar Historian Glenn Marty Stein. I hope you're having a great summer in the northern hemisphere!