Ozone Hole Low in 2012!
I admire Susan Solomon for her remarkable work identifying the cause of the ozone hole (atmospheric thinning), in Antarctica. What an individual and collective success story! 2012 shows the thinning of the atmosphere lower than in the past 10 years. This is due primarily to the banning of Chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere from aerosol-spray propellants, refrigerants, solvents, and foam-blowing agents.
Susan is quoted in The Boise weekly- "I think the difficulty that some people have in relating to environmental change has something to do with the fact that an awful lot of people spend their lives not really noticing the natural world around them."
I wholeheartedly agree. My partner and I are outdoors more than ever, camping and retailing kaleidoscopes at Art Fairs. What a difference to make part of your living and working outside. Antarcticans (people who visit and love the continent have a love of the outdoors too!
Susan is quoted in The Boise weekly- "I think the difficulty that some people have in relating to environmental change has something to do with the fact that an awful lot of people spend their lives not really noticing the natural world around them."
I wholeheartedly agree. My partner and I are outdoors more than ever, camping and retailing kaleidoscopes at Art Fairs. What a difference to make part of your living and working outside. Antarcticans (people who visit and love the continent have a love of the outdoors too!
Inside a Meteorite
It's easy to spot meteorites in Antarctica. I recently learned, from CBS Sunday Morning show, about their color inside.
This is a meteorite picture through a microscope. The actual image is 2mm.
Our Henry Bergeson Kaleidoscopes remind me of the inside of meteorites.
What a beautiful and unexpected surprise to find a connection between my Antarctic work and my partner Henry's kaleidoscopes!